Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Leveling Tips, Skills and Perks Guide (2024)

Table of Contents
Skills Common Skills Perks References

Everything you need to know about skills, leveling up, and perks in Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate.

Leveling in Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate is essentially done by investing Skill Points in Jacob’s and Evie’s skill trees. As both these characters level up – cap at Level 10 – they earn new pieces of equipment and other useful tools.

For more help on Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, check our Equipment Unlocks, Charles Darwin Memories, and Charles Dickens Memories guides.

The skill points in the game are acquired by earning XP which can be acquired by doing different in-game tasks.

  • Level 1 to Level 2 – 4 Skill Points
  • Level 2 to Level 3 – 4 Skill Points
  • Level 3 to Level 4 – 8 Skill Points
  • Level 4 to Level 5 – 10 Skill Points
  • Level 5 to Level 6 – 10 Skill Points
  • Level 6 to Level 7 – 10 Skill Points
  • Level 7 to Level 8 – 15 Skill Points
  • Level 8 to Level 9 – 15 Skill Points
  • Level 9 to Level 10 – 18 Skill Points


It does not matter whether you are playing more with one twin or other since the experience and skill points are shared between the two. As you earn skill points, you can level up both twins.

When we talk about skills, there are some which are unique to Jacob and Evie, and some are shared between both.

Evie’s Unique Skills

How to Unlock: Level 5 and Assassin Steps
Cost: 4

In Sneak Mode Evie perfectly blends with her environment, which allows her to become nearly invisible. Only enemies in close proximity are able to detect her.

Knife Master II
How to Unlock: Level 6 and knife Master I
Cost: 6

Evie can carry twice as many throwing knives. Her knives also inflict significantly more damage.

Stealth III
How to Unlock: Level 5 and Stealth II
Cost: 4

Evie’s Stealth stat increases by an additional 11. She is less likely to be detected and her assassinations make very little noise.

Jacob’s Unique Skills

Defense III
How to Unlock: Level 5 and Defense II
Cost: 4

Jacob takes less damage overall.

Gunslinger II
How to Unlock: Level 6 and gunslinger I
Cost: 6

Jacob’s Countershots are automatic Headshots.

Mutilate II
How to Unlock: Level 5 and Mutilate I
Cost: 4

Jacob’s successful attacks bring enemies to Near Death much more rapidly.

Common Skills

Common Combat Skills

How to Unlock: Sequence 1
Cost: 0

When close to multiple enemies that are near death, execute up to 4 enemies at a time to gain extra XP.

Stun Attack
How to Unlock: Sequence 1
Cost: 0

Break an enemy’s defensive stance or to briefly stun them. Stunned enemies are taken out of the fight for a short while.

How to Unlock: Sequence 1
Cost: 0

Counter enemies’ attacks in combat.

Tool Combo
How to Unlock: Sequence 1
Cost: 0

Use your Tools in combat without breaking your combo. Useful for quickly bringing a single enemy to Near Death or attacking multiple enemies at once.

Health Boost I
How to Unlock: Complete Sequence 1
Cost: 1

Increase your Health by 1 segment.

Health Boost II
How to Unlock: Level 2 and Health Boost
Cost: 2

Increase your Health by 1 additional segment.

Health Boost III
How to Unlock: Level 3 and Health Boost II
Cost: 2

Increase your Health by 1 additional segment.

Unstoppable I
How to Unlock: Complete Sequence 1
Cost: 1

Increase the time before you lose your combo streak due to inaction.

Unstoppable II
How to Unlock: Level 2 and Unstoppable I
Cost: 2

The first hit you take during a combo doesn’t end your combo.

Slayer I
How to Unlock: Complete Sequence 1
Cost: 1

When your combo reaches x10, your next attack automatically puts the target in a near death state.

Slayer II
How to Unlock: Level 3 and Slayer I
Cost: 2

When you bring an enemy to near death, your next attack against a different opponent automatically puts them in a near death state. Very useful to set up Multi-Finishers and other moves.

Counter Boost
How to Unlock: Level 2
Cost: 2

Counter attacks have a larger window of opportunity and do increased damage.

Execute I
How to Unlock: Level 3
Cost: 2

Stun an enemy then perform a Tool Combo to execute them, inflicting massive damage. .

Execute II
How to Unlock: Level 5 and Execute I
Cost: 4

Enemies who see you perform an execution are frightened, causing them to break their defensive stance.

Mutilate I
How to Unlock: Level 3
Cost: 2

Successful attacks bring enemies to near death more rapidly.

How to Unlock: Level 5
Cost: 4

Increase the Rate at which your Health regenerates.

Combat Stamina
How to Unlock: Level 6
Cost: 6

Performing Multi-kills now regenerates health based on the number of enemies killed.

Common Stealth Skills

How to Unlock:
Cost: 0

Press to attract your target’s attention and lure them to your position for a stealth assassination.

How to Unlock: First Sequence
Cost: 0

Knock an unsuspecting or kidnapped enemy unconscious.

Stealth Navigation
How to Unlock: First Sequence
Cost: 0

In Sneak Mode your movement is faster, you are harder to detect, and you can stealthily move, Aim L2/LT, snap to cover, and Throw/Shoot R2/RT over low cover and around corners.

Air Assassination
How to Unlock: First Sequence
Cost: 0

Perform a high-profile assassination from above the target.

Lockpicking I
How to Unlock: 1st Sequence
Cost: 1

Open locked chests to find money, resources, and rewards.

Lockpicking II
How to Unlock: Level 2 and Lockpicking I
Cost: 2

Open most doors in London—except doors requiring a master key.

How to Unlock: Second Sequence
Cost: 0

Kidnap an unsuspecting enemy and force them to walk with you. This can allow you to access restricted areas in plain sight.

How to Unlock: Level 2 and Kidnap
Cost: 2

Kidnapped enemies will not try to escape.

Loot Takedown
How to Unlock: First Sequence
Cost: 1

Automatically loot enemies when you assassinate them, knock them out, kidnap them or perform Multi-Kills.

Double Assassination
How to Unlock: Second Sequence
Cost: 0

Stealthily kill two nearby unaware targets at the same time.

Stealth I
How to Unlock: Level 2
Cost: 2

Your Stealth stat increases by 7. You are less likely to be detected and your assassinations will make less noise.

Stealth II
How to Unlock: Level 3 and Stealth I
Cost: 2

Your Stealth stat increases by an additional 7. You are less likely to be detected and your assassinations will make less noise.

First Strike I
How to Unlock: Level 2
Cost: 2

Attack an enemy just before they enter conflict to inflict significant damage.

First Strike II
How to Unlock: Level 6 and First Strike I
Cost: 6

Your First Strike attacks inflict even more damage. Possibly killing the enemy outright.

Assassin Steps
How to Unlock: Level 3
Cost: 2

You suffer significantly reduced damage from falls and make no noise when you land. Your movement also makes significantly less noise.

Knife Master I
How to Unlock: Level 3
Cost: 2

Throwing knives stun enemies for a short time. You automatically recover throwing knives when performing Multi-Kills.

Common Ecosystem Skills

How to Unlock: First Sequence
Cost: 0

While in combat, shoot an enemy that’s about to shoot you, preempting their attack.

Eagle Vision I
How to Unlock:
Cost: 0

Press L3 / LS to activate Eagle Vision. In Eagle Vision, enemies are highlighted in the world and on the Mini-Map. Look at enemies briefly to Tag them; this displays their level and allows them to be seen through walls.

Fast Driver
How to Unlock: Second Sequence
Cost: 0

Gain a significant short term speed boost while driving carriages.

Leadership I
How to Unlock: Level 2
Cost: 0

Press R1 / RT to recruit Rooks to follow you. Hold R1 / RT to bring up advanced commands. You may have up to two Rooks following you at a time

Leadership II
How to Unlock: Level 3 and Leadership I
Cost: 0

Press R1 / RT to recruit Rooks to follow you. Hold R1 / RT to bring up advanced commands. You may have up to three Rooks following you at a time

Leadership III
How to Unlock: Level 5 and Leadership II
Cost: 0

Press R1 / RT to recruit Rooks to follow you. Hold R1 / RT to bring up advanced commands. You may have up to five Rooks following you at a time

Eagle Vision II
How to Unlock: Complete First Sequence
Cost: 1

Your Eagle Vision L3 / LS now allows you to see through walls to watch and tag enemies.

Eagle Vision III
How to Unlock: Level 2 and Eagle Vision III
Cost: 2

Your Eagle Vision L3 / LS shows enemies’ facing on the Mini-Map. Also increases the range.

Scavenger I
How to Unlock: Complete First Sequence
Cost: 1

You find more common crafting resources from every source.

Scavenger II
How to Unlock: Level 2 and Scavenger I
Cost: 2

You find more rare crafting resources from every source.

Defense I
How to Unlock: Level 2
Cost: 2

Reduces all Melee damage suffered.

Defense II
How to Unlock: Level 3 and Defense I
Cost: 2

Reduces all Ranged damage suffered.

Gunslinger I
How to Unlock: Level 3
Cost: 2

When attempting to shoot an empty gun mid-combo, the gun will reload automatically.

Driver I
How to Unlock: Level 3
Cost: 2

Collisions inflict less damage and don’t slow you down as much while driving.

Driver II
How to Unlock: Level 5 and Driver I
Cost: 4

Carriages you drive accelerate significantly faster.

Demolition Derby
How to Unlock: Level 6
Cost: 6

Carriages you drive inflict more damage and take less damage.


Perks are extra bonuses which are acquired by completing certain in-game actions. Once a perk is unlocked, it becomes available for both Jacob and Evie.

Absolutely Stunning
How to Unlock: Break an enemy’s guard 75 times.
Effect: Increase Stun Duration by 25%.

How to Unlock: Assassinate 120 enemies.
Effect: Knockouts will now be performed faster.

Brace For Impact
How to Unlock: Destroy 25 carriages by ramming them.
Effect: Slightly increased damage when ramming another vehicle.

Combat Mastery
How to Unlock: Kill 4 enemies in less than 12 seconds 25 times.
Effect: Slight overall damage increase.

How to Unlock: Countershot 2 ranged attacks in under 10 seconds.
Effect: Increased Countershot damage.

Cover Assassinate
How to Unlock: Assassinate an enemy from Cover 75 times.
Effect: Slightly decreases the noise made by moving.

Death by Rook
How to Unlock: Have Rooks kill 50 enemies.
Effect: This Perk slightly increases allies’ hit points.

Double Air Assassinate
How to Unlock: Double Air Assassinate 2 enemies 25 times.
Effect: Slightly decreases the noise caused by assassinations.

Double Kill
How to Unlock: Perform a multi-finisher on 2 enemies 25 times.
Effect: Lethality increased by 2.

How to Unlock: Stun 4 enemies with a single Voltaic Bomb 50 times.
Effect: Increased Voltaic Bomb damage.

Fancy Moves
How to Unlock: Perform a combo using a gun or throwing knife 75 times.
Effect: Increased Gun or Knife damage when they are being used in a combo.

Flawless Fighter
How to Unlock: Kill 4 or more enemies in the same conflict without being harmed 50 times.
Effect: Increases the time allowed to perform a Counter Attack.

Gone Lawing
How to Unlock: Hijack 50 Police Carriages.
Effect: Increased acceleration of Police vehicles.

How to Unlock: Perform a headshot while using free aim 50 times.
Effect: Increased Critical Hit damage.

Knife Hill
How to Unlock: Use Throwing Knives to kill an enemy from cover 75 times.
Effect: Increased Throwing Knife damage.

Ledge Kill
How to Unlock: Kill an enemy with a contextual ledge finisher 25 times.
Effect: Slightly increased damage caused by contextual attacks.

London Drift
How to Unlock: Turn 10 corners while drifting by using the break 75 times.
Effect: Increases vehicle control during boosts.

Multi-Counter Kill
How to Unlock: Perform a Multi-Counter kill 50 times.
Effect: Increased Counter Attack damage.

Near Death Recovery
How to Unlock: Survive a fight after entering a critical state 50 times.
Effect: Increased health regeneration.

No Touchbacks
How to Unlock: Hit enemies 20 times in a row during the same conflict without being struck 25 times.
Effect: Slight overall damage increase.

Quadra Kill
How to Unlock: Perform a multi-finisher on 4 enemies 25 times.
Effect: Lethality increased by 2.

Riding Shotgun
How to Unlock: Kill an enemy with your gun while on top of a moving carriage 50 times.
Effect: Increased damage caused by guns while you are driving.

Road Rage
How to Unlock: Kill 3 enemies with your carriage in less than 25 seconds 25 times.
Effect: Enemies receive more damage when hit by your carriage.

Shoot the Messenger
How to Unlock: Kill a Lookout before they trigger the alarm 15 times.
Effect: Lookouts take longer to detect you.

Triple Kill
How to Unlock: Perform a multi-finisher on 3 enemies 25 times.
Effect: Lethality increased by 2.

How to Unlock: Become anonymous after entering combat 25 times
Effect: Become anonymous faster after conflict.

Vanish in Smoke
How to Unlock: Use a Smoke Bomb to end combat and Vanish 25 times.
Effect: Smoke Bombs now last longer.

Wanton Destruction
How to Unlock: Destroy 4 destructible objects in less than 15 seconds 75 times.
Effect: Increased Ram damage when hitting another vehicle.

Zipline Assassin
How to Unlock: Assassinate an enemy from a zipline 25 times.
Effect: Slightly decreased noise caused by assassinations.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Leveling Tips, Skills and Perks Guide (2024)


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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.